Project outline:

Title The Beresford Box
Summary The village has been given a box of historic documents relating to the Beresford family who held the living in Hoby for many years. The documents are stored randomly in the box and seem to include personal family papers, legal documents and a collection of deeds and indentures written on vellum many with original seals.
Key activities and outcomes
  • Itemise  the contents
  • Create an archive
  • Transcribe documents of interest
  • Photograph/scan important documents
  • Liaise with the records office about permanent storage
Lead person Diane Horsfield (
Support person(s) Maureen Coleman, Enid Boesser, Carol Corbitt, Roger Corbitt , Vic Alsop, Steve Horsfield
Expected Completion date End 2015
Costs and funding Unknown but grants may be available for the preservation of old documents
Other help or resources required Records office particularly on the vellum